Leadership is more than telling people what to do. Grow a team who would go to war for you by knowing yourself, your vision, and the people you are leading.
How many times have you gone to a mentor with a problem and the answer they gave you left you with a bad taste in your mouth? You weren't sure WHY, but you knew in your gut what they were telling you didn't align with your beliefs and values.
Or you’ve had a boss who was quick to take the credit when your team succeeded . . . but dropped you like a hot potato when something went wrong?
What about the director who taught you tactics to grow your team, but left you hanging when it came time to lead them?

I want you to know THERE IS A DIFFERENT WAY.

Six weeks dedicated to aligning ourselves with a heart-centered, people-focused approach to leadership.


Anyone who knows there HAS to be a different way to lead than with apathy and antiquated rhetoric!
Network marketers who took on their business to spend more time at home but are finding success requires more time away than they bargained for.
Business leaders who are looking to make a difference and empower their team to do the same.
Small business owners tired of pestering their team to make sales, using bribery and external motivators to push them to grow.​
Experienced leaders who are over the "this is how we've always done it" mindset and who are ready to affect real change.

First, we will discover who YOU are as a leader.
Your ability to lead yourself is in direct correlation to how you lead others.
Taking a note from the playbook of the fabulous Ru Paul. "If you can't lead yourself, how the heck you gonna lead somebody else?"

This involves creating awareness of our priorities, strengths, and blindspots. Together we will do deep mindset work to learn about ourselves and use that to help us lead our teams well.
Second is truly knowing your vision.
To lead others you must first know where you are going, not where someone else thinks you should go next. Only once you gain clarity on your vision will you be able to create a blueprint to success that's aligned with your priorities and unique leadership strengths. This is what will propel you forward and get your team on board as well.
Last, is knowing the people you lead.
And I don't mean only their name and rank. It means knowing their family members, hobbies, and if they have pets. But it also includes strengths they bring to the team, how to communicate with them, what they truly want, and what they need in order to succeed by their own definition.

Leader Education
6-week course
weekly lessons
Leader Group Coaching
6-week course
weekly lessons
weekly "put it into practice" call
one-on-one Strengths Finder breakdown & debrief
Pay In Full $997
Pay In Full $2197
Leader Group Coaching & Team Development
6-week course
weekly lessons
weekly "put it into practice" call
one-on-one Strengths Finder breakdown & debrief
individualized team call to assess pain points, struggles, strengths with a debrief with the leader
Pay In Full $2897

I am a multi-passionate toddler mama and entrepreneur who has more than a decade of leadership experience in everything from business to politics and nonprofit to the military. After years of successfully leading the way I was told I had to, I realized that the uncomfortable knot in the pit of my stomach was not normal or healthy. On paper, I was a good leader but in my heart I knew I was a fraud. I started to focus on knowing myself, knowing my vision, and knowing my team. I am now a top leader in my organization who actually enjoys growing my people. Now as a leadership coach and the host of the Beyond Leadership podcast, my goal is to help you break through the BS expectations placed on you so that you can
lead with authenticity and in alignment with who you are.

​If you want:
A leadership style that’s authentic and unique to you
Deeper self awareness
A clear understanding of where you are and where you’re going
Real vision and a strategy to go along with it
Better relationships with your team members
Greater cohesion an unity among your people
More innovation leading to effective problem solving and creative solutions
Increased influence within your organization
Added peace of mind about how you are leading
Tricks to stay on top of your leadership game for the long haul